About Mindfulness

What Is Mindfulness Meditation?

Mindfulness meditation is paying attention to our moment-to-moment experience with curiosity, openness and acceptance. As we calm and quiet the mind, open our heart, and learn to work with difficult sensations, emotions and thoughts, we can begin to stay present and respond wisely instead of defaulting into our unconscious habitual patterns of thinking and coping.  This approach to life can help move us into a more deeply engaged and connected experience of ourselves, others and the world.

By developing and practicing ways of being with these challenges we can:

  • manage stress through a greater understanding and regulation of emotions
  • decrease reactivity and increase personal resilience
  • reduce rumination and mind-wandering
  • experience greater happiness, peace and well-being
  • bring greater ease to relationships with ourselves and others
  • develop greater compassion for ourselves and the world

Please stay tuned for upcoming Mindfulness Meditation Classes